We Fix Companies

If you are feeling financial pressure and it seems bankruptcy is the only way out, there is another solution. We help financially distressed businesses regain control, relieve pressures and begin the process of becoming healthy again.

Many companies have found themselves in trouble financially and aren't sure what to do about it, particularly over the past few years. If open to change, company owners can often overlook the impact an experienced outside voice can have in changing the direction of the company.

That's where Dynamic Business Solutions steps in.

What Is A Turnaround Plan?

It is a down-in-the-trenches, series of action steps intended to prevent failure, create stability and begin the process of recovery.

It is a 3 stage process: Triage, Stabilization, and Healing.

It is most often appropriate for companies under financial distress/duress.

It is not business coaching or strategic planning, (though that is a component of the long-term healing)

It includes steps to address the most pressing problems, knowing there are limited available resources.

How Do I Know If I Need A Turnaround?

Business Indicators

  • Cash is getting scarce
  • Meeting payroll is a struggle
  • Skipped payroll deposits
  • Behind on paying monthly bills
  • One or more cash advance loans
  • Loss of vendor credit
  • Collection calls and letters
  • Employees are nervous
  • Accounting records are in poor condition

Personal Indicators

  • Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or out-of-control
  • Isolating oneself or avoiding calls
  • Fighting fires all the time
  • Losing motivation and becoming less confident
  • Wearing too many hats
  • What worked before doesn't anymore
  • Constantly distracted and anxious
  • Just want all these problems to go away

We Work Closely With You

We listen to your concerns and wrap our arms around the issues and causes, comprehensively reviewing your business. Together, we address short-term pressures and, more importantly, begin to work on an organized and flexible turnaround plan.

On Site Consulting

We work on site at your business to increase our effectiveness and effect a positive outcome. That's why we specialize in businesses with 1M-10M in annual sales in Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts.

What are the typical steps to a Turnaround?

Phase 1 - Triage

  • Identify and address critical pressures
  • Stop the bleeding
  • Pick the low hanging fruit
  • Buy time and cooperation
  • Find ways to accelerate cash inflows and reduce outflows

Phase 2 - Stabilization

  • Improve cash management
  • Fix what's broken
  • Regain structure and control
  • Define vendor and employee expectations
  • Improve financial management and planning
  • Ensure reliable accounting records

Phase 3 - Healing

  • Implement good long-term practices
  • Institute controls to prevent backsliding
  • Rekindle business relationships
  • Create support systems
  • Construct a new, adaptable and sustainable normal
  • Don't forget to say "Thank you" to everyone who helped

Trust the Turnaround Experts at Dynamic Business Solutions

to Transform Your Business

Keys for a Successful Turnaround

Not all turnaround plans are successful for lots of reasons. Here is some helpful advice that we've seen increase the odds.
Rules for Success

Be humble, accountable ​and open to change​

Become accessible and proactive​

Honesty at all times​

Limit the voices and commit to one plan​

Recognize that it takes time​ and expect bumps along the way​

Be grateful to those who work with you​

There will be pain, bite the bullet and move on​

Sooner is better than later, procrastination is ​not your friend​

Flexibility and pivoting are the norm​

It takes effort and commitment​

Engage your employees and creditors in the process of recovery​

Be accountable but don’t dwell on it​

Patience, patience… then more patience​

In most cases, it can be done!

Dynamic Business

Solutions, Inc.

Leo R. Charpentier​

P. O. Box 6

Cumberland, RI 02864

T 401-432-7700

C 401-524-2436


© 2023 Dynamic Business Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.